What is Loveparade, Soundtrack Das Boot, Ku Damm Berlin

Loveparade Berlin, What is Music UKSoundtrack Das Boot, Ku Damm 

For all fans of computerized tunes, I would like to present to you a very interesting text on my blog today.

This book tells the story of electronic dance music and its development.

While the masses only noticed this type of music in the mid-90s, it developed as an underground movement in the late 80s.

From the forefathers of electronic music such as Kraftwerk, the synthesizer music by Jean Michelle Jarre, and some other electronic pop music and disco sounds, a new musical genre emerged. In this way, the techno and house music direction emerged revolutionarily in the 80s, which was again divided into countless subgroups.

The scene met where you can dance to this music undisturbed and as loud as possible.

DJs put on the music for fun and mixed their pieces of music from a variety of records.

Dr. Motte started his first love parade, registered as a demonstration. Also, some cars drove out of which techno music echoed along Kurfürstendamm.

From this small scene, a huge market slowly developed and thus the commercialization began.

More and more clubs emerged, the DJs became stars and their music mixes became products.

Even pop music was more and more based on this development, for example, the soundtrack for the film Das Boot Soundtrack at number 1 on the music charts.

Paperback History of Electronic Music The Loveparade grew from around 100 people to over a million a few years later and became a marketing event.

One of the most well-known DJs wrote a writing about all this development and what’s going on in the background like sex, ecstasy, and everything else.

Laurent Garnier is a first-generation DJ and has played in the world’s most famous clubs.

Together with his friend who interviewed him several times a week, the book Elektroschock was created with all the ups and downs of this music movement. Not only positive things are reported in this book.

You can order the book entitled: Electro Shock – The History of Electronic Dance Music (author David Brun-Lambert) from Amazon.

The Mega Techno House Party in the Caribbean starts in less than 100 days. Electronic music lovers meet in Playa del Carmen to dance, listen to music, and party under palm trees in summery temperatures for a week.


What started with some die-hard fans from the techno scene in Berlin registered as a demonstration event developed into a mega techno event with over a million fans of electronic music. You came from all over the world and turned Berlin into the city of techno music this weekend.


After the event, the clubs continued. From the cars, you could determine the music style that conquered Berlin this weekend.

I also participated several times, including the beginnings when it was still on the Kudamm. Every time I was amazed at how peaceful an event can be despite so many visitors.

At the end of the 90s, the music event developed more into a general spectacle including an advertising event. On the last Love Parade in which I took part, there were almost only cars from a large fitness center.

For this reason, the supporters founded the techno scene during this time, which became a countertrade through the commercialization of the Love Parade.

Later she was relocated to the Ruhr area, wherein in my opinion, there was no success compared to Berlin. In 2010, an accident overshadowed the event, in which the visitors panicked and died, and was then discontinued.

I like to remember the good times of the Love Parade when several hundred thousand fans of electronic music from all over the world danced peacefully with each other, had fun, and enjoyed the beat of the music.


Electronic music is generated by electronic musical instruments or other devices such as, for example, with the PC and reproduced via loudspeakers. While acoustic musical instruments play music without electronic technology.

The first piece of electronic music I remember is “We Are the Robots” from Kraftwerk. I don’t know if it’s from the late 70s or early 80s.

Ultimately, the 80s revolutionized melodies.

Electronic disco music and the breakdance scene brought more and more electronic sound into their music pieces.

Then, when the computer age broke out and developed rapidly and became more and more powerful and affordable with each passing year, another type of music developed electronic techno and house music, which has prevailed to this day.